Picture it a late summers day
Shawnee Oklahoma
a 1970's Kawasaki 750
2 stoke 3 cylinder
you know the Widow Maker
These were fast and fun bikes to ride
Lynn and I have always had bikes in
our lifes.And we have been together
a long time.Over 30 years as of 2011
we have rode many miles together
Yep together seems we are always
on 2 wheels heading out some where.
Our first bike the one in this picture had many miles put on it.
we rode all over here in Oklahoma.And then we took it on what was one of
our first long rides.
Being young and having wonderlust we had a custom hitch and a trailer built for it.
Loaded up as much stuff as we thought we needed and headed North.
we spent 2 days riding thru Oklahoma into Texas and on into New Mexico.
we were headed north to the Yukon Territory to homestead. Yep we were young and
had no idea what we were getting into or even what it took.
We made it all the way to Santa Fe NM to my uncles place.Where he took pity on us and
let us stay a few days.He also decided that we needed to know what we were getting into.
So he had us pack a few thing in back packs we took my Shotgun and he took us to the
Santa Fe forrest by the Rio Grand river and dropped us off.He said he see us in a week.
3 days later we climb out of the valley and walked back into town,
Yep homesteading wasn't for us.. We spent the rest of the summer working to save enough
money to head back to Oklahoma and start over..
I tell you all this so maybe you will understand what drives Lynn and I to spend so much time
in the saddle.
Ahhh to be young again (lol)
Fast forward a few years. Back in Oklahoma with Lynn and three kids.Now I'm riding a 1985 Honda
Rebel (little 450) man this bike was fun to ride, and tough. boy was it tough it carried Lynn and I
all over, even down to Ardmore to Turner Falls.
We have had several bikes in our time.Been blesed with being able to ride thousands of miles.
Fast Foward to 2005
The bike Lynn bought me (lovingly refered to as The Bitch) the bike not Lynn (lol)
This bike was a 1974 Honda CB750 neither Lynn nor myself
knew what we had bought or where this one bike would lead us
all we knew is that it was old, tall and hard to handle
a stock frame with a 10 over front end the guy that sold it to us
made it clear that he had turned away a few other guys just because they could
not stradle the bike and touch the ground flat footed
me being over 6 foot tall with long legs well this was easy for me to do
we were also told that it wasn't a normal CB750 it was hot roded
The way it stood was the way they rode them in the old days in Cali
All I knew is the last of our kids was out of the house and it was time
for mom and day to play and this was a start
So with that Lynn paid him the money and we took her home
I got a bike and a shop book a clean title and our freedom all for one price
Not really know that much about motorcycles and not much of a mehanic but knowing
I wanted to make some changes to this bike well I statred looking for some one who could
help. I found a shop close to the house and took it by.The guy was more interested in buying
the bike than working on it.I didn't know it but Lynn was looking on the internet for a site that could
point me in the right direction.
So in Oct. of 2005 Lynn found and I joined a web site and soon to be family of
Honda CB750 nuts. The web site is http://www.hondachopper.com/
These guys are dedicated to these old bikes.Yes some ride and build other bikes
but the site is just for 1969-1978 Honda CB750 (SOCH).I was in awe of the bikes these guys
were building and the knowledge they had and have. You know the old saying "A little knowledge is
a dangerous thing" well it is (lol).I started reading everything I could on the board about these old
bikes what you can do to them."The Bitch" a stock air box and a 4 into one header.She sounded mean
but more like a crotch rocket.So these two things needed to be changed right off the bat.
So I ordered me a set of pod's from a guy on the board by the name of Tommy Summers also know as
Lowrider Tommy seems this guy has been around and building some kick ass 750 lowrider chops for
years.I ordered a set of 2 into 1 pipes from another guy on the board I can't even remember who it was.
I do remember as soon as I got the pipes we cut them up.Cut the baffels off and made them short.
What I call shotgun style,because if you look at them from the end they look like a double barrel
shotgun.The bad thing about this was I didn't know what I was doing.I didn't know if I changed certain
things that it would change other things.I had worked on cars and tinkered with bikes in the past
But I had always lived by a simple rule "I'd rather be riding it , than working on it".
So after making these simple changes the bike started running like crap.Not wanting to change
things back.I went looking again here in OKC to find someone who could help.Took the bike to them
and after a few days I went to pick it up. This shop and these guys were said to know alot about
these old bikes .Yeah well they didn't. After being told by the owner that he "couldn't make chicken soup
out of chicken shit" I knew it was time to find some real help.
This next chapter will start me off on meeting one of three young men that were to influnce me understanding
of these bikes, riding and builing.
Jason Magnuson "Ridelord" RIP
Ridelord was one of the first HCMF's I was to meet.He lived in Tulsa,Ok just a few hours away. when
he heard of the problems I was having with The Bitch he offered to help. I would learn that is the way with
these HCMF's . They offer to help no matter the problem or the time.. I was never one to join mostly a loaner most of my life, this was a new venture for me. Through the board, Pm's E-mails and phone calls he
tried to walk me through checking the problems and the fixing of the problems.We finally got to a point
he offered to take a look at the bike if I could get it to Tulas. That would be easy because I had a truck and ramps. So I left out of OKC early on a Saturday morn headed to Tulsa to meet a guy for the first time to have him take time out of his day to help work on my bike.we spent the day BS'n like we had know each other most of our lives.He got the bike runnin great.I loaded her up said my good bys and headed back home.
Ridelord was a great guy . He went through alot the few years I was able to be part of his short life.We rode many miles together, not as many as I wish we could have.Shortly before he passed we meet up here in OKC at the motorcycle swap meet where I bought his first chopper frame. He had built what I consider one of the nicest chops "Twisted Midnight" the one in the picture above. And since he didn't need the frame from his first bike it was passed on to me.I ride this bike with pride and a feeling that I am riding with him.
Ridelord was so inportant to me that when I bought my first chop I ran it through him first even driving to Tulsa to have him look the bike over.
Which brings me to bike #2 "SKULL" and the second influencel HCMF.
Enter Skull shown here with out her signature King/Queen seat
Brother Michael Humphrey "StreetRacer"
I met Street thru the board and met him in person when he posted a chop for sell.
I posted that we were interested in the bike but we needed to make payments. we sent 2 payments and then
headed out to MO (almost a 1000 miles round trip) to Streets house to pick the bike up.I had not road this bike,I had not heard it run,I didn't even know if it would fit me.After all I am tall and I really didn't want a bike that would be like riding a mini bike.Street is a really cool guy.He's alot of fun to be around.He is also one of the best builders I have met todate.We showed up at his place and he brought her out.Man what could I say it was love at first site.Her lines were what I was looking for and the King/Queen seat fit like a glove.The forwards were right where they needed to be for my legs.Every thing was just right.He told me to take here for a ride,so I did.Got to the middle of town and she just stopped??? she would not start up again
I tried and tried but nothing. Street came riding up to see what the problem was.He had this big grin on his face, like he knew what the problem was already.Street"what going on" Me "I don't know she wont start"Street "try turning the pet cock on" place evil smile here. Wow now that I feel like an idiot, I guess I could try that. Hmmmmmmm air,spark,gas who would have thought it.Yep turn the gas on and she ran.Well I handed him the last M/O and we loaded her up.Street was going to a bike gathering and wanted us to ride with him,but with a long drive ahead of us I just said nope but we will ride with ya soon.
We droped by Tulsa to give RideLord a chance to check her out.It was late in the eve and dark but he liked what he saw.
Skull is what I named her.The funny thing is she only has one skull on her and thats her tail light.The only change I have made to her over all looks is to put bar end turn signals on.Alot of people do not like them but because Lynn and I ride her more at night and all the time really , well she needed turn signals.
Skull,Lynn,Oldbike,Fl.Ron on the Blue Ridge Parkway N.C.
Skull and Reds bike on the border of Kansas and Colorado
You know Street once said that if he would have known that Skull was that good of a bike he would have kept her and not sold her.Lynn and I average almost 9,000 miles a year just on this bike.We would be considered weekend wariors because we don't live on our bikes.We both work and work out of our car and truck.We ride when we can weekends, supper rides etc. Heck we will put 100 miles on our bike just to go to supper.We will leave out on a fri eve and be gone all weekend.It's not hard for us to put 500 to 700 miles on just going no where.We ride for the fun, not to get any where special, just to ride.
Yep Street you should have kept her (lol)
Yep Street you should have kept her (lol)
We would ride her to many meets and get togethers.And then the time came to do my first build.The plan was to do a two bike build at Streets place. we had picked up a bike for our son and gathered parts for his bike and for a bike that would became very imprtant to Lynn and myself.
Fire Snuffer our daughters bike (built by RideLord)
While we were planing our two bike build Ridelord had started on a build for our daughter,who at the time was training to be a fire fighter.We gave him artistic leway.All we ask was the color to be red and black.This bike has only been ridden by him and me (me once) since being completed it has been in storage waitting for it's to be out in the world.
The build at Streets was planed and a date set. 2 an 1/2 days to build one bike and do mods on another.
Streetracer , Williams (our son) and Gothic Requiem
I'll tell you the story behind the name.
This is the last pic of the last ride RideLord ,Lynn and I went on.The bike in the picture was his dads.It was given to Jason to ride and take care by his dad.You see at the time Jason had either torn Twisted down to get her ready for paint or he was getting ready to.I hadn't seen him smile like he smiled that day in a long time. You see in the short Time I knew Jason he had gone thru a separation and divorce.He only had his boys every now and then.Yeah he had met another ladie but he was lost.Lynn and I had talked about how he had changed.How it seemed he was trying to live the biker life style.He was smoking more and drinking more.No I didn't talk with him about what I was seeing , maybe I should have.
Well in Sept 2008 RideLord passed away.
In March of 2008 HondaChopper.com Lost another brother
I tell you all that, to tell you the reason for the name of my black bike. "VOICES"
The frame and fender came from Ridelord
The gas tank came from Kong.
When I take her out for a ride I feel that I am riding with long lost brothers.As long as I have her they are still alive in my heart and riding with me.The motor in Voices came from the bike Lynn bought me "The Bitch"
man Voices is fast with this motor. Yeah I know every one says their bike is fast, But many guys have found
out.I think Street was impressed with how fast she is.
man Voices is fast with this motor. Yeah I know every one says their bike is fast, But many guys have found
out.I think Street was impressed with how fast she is.
The build at Streets was a blast.we worked and played.Seemed that Street and his wife planned a birthday party for the youngest daughter that same weeked.
Streetracers daughter
cute ani't she
With the Voices build out of the way.I was ready to start looking for a Springer front end for her.Looking at the prices I gave in to buying a GrassHopper spring from some one on the board.It came with almost everything it needed to be ran except I really wanted a front brake.So I boxed the front end up and sent it off to Lowridder Tommy.So Tommy got the box and sent it off to his fab guy.And the wait started.
Now along the same time I start reading on the Honda Chopper board about this guy riding all over the western US.Everyone is really hyped up about this young gun taking his old 750 loaded down with him a girl and anything he needed to take a long ride.Ok I can dig it,sounds like a fun time.he was makin his way to no where in particular.Camping out most of the time staying with HCMF's when he could and where is was welcomed.
About this time I get a call from one of the GOTF on the board.He says" theres this guy that will be headed your way and might need a place to stay.Now he's a little odd, you know in a good way.He's got these long dreads but he's a really nice guy
His Name is Flynnt
I don't know if you know who he is.
Hell yeah I know who he is I have been following him on the board.It sounds like he is livin the dream.
Alan"just be open minded after he's a free spirit"
Really Mr.Shivley
Free Spirit
Oh This guy I had to meet!
Flynnt,MoniKatt,ElGuapo and Skull
I meet Flynnt for the first time at Lake Thunderbird here in Oklahoma.
He and MoniKatt had spent the night in the camp ground.What was sort of funny , is that they rode into Oklahoma and about 20 miles from our house, down I-35 to Norman and out to the lake. They could have spent there first night in Oklahoma in a nice soft warm bed instead of a sleeping bag on the ground.(lol)
So I gathered them up and we head to Lynn's and my place.Now you have to understand Lynn
she has this guest room with old furniture ,teapots.cups and saucers and DOLLS it's what she collects
I collect 750's she collects well girl stuff (lol).we live in a small older not fancy really simple home.
So not only is the room full of these things but so is the whole house.But come to find out MoniKatt collects
dolls also , so she was right at home.Flynnt (not so much)lol.
Flynnt,Skull and ElGuapo in front of Eichen's
While Flynnt stayed with us we just had to take him and MoniKatt to some of our favorite places and also get out and ride Because after all thats what it's all about.....
Flynnt and MoniKatt in motion
MoniKatt snapin a pic
This pic here would become important to Lynn and I ,because she will be the first to take pic's of Lynn and I riding.Out of all the pic's and video we have taken we had none of us riding untill Flynnt spent a few days with us.Thats another rason Flynnt is a important part of our riding life.
Loaded up and riding out
Time was short and Flynnt and MoniKatt had to get on the road.We rode out with themand took them the long way south toward Dallas.They had plans to stop over at Mr.Shivleys for a few days.But before they left Oklahoma Lynn and I had a few more places to show them.
When Lynn and I ride we ride old hwy's and back roads.well on one of our rides we found and old school
in Pernell Ok.So we thought since Flynnt likes the odd we would take him to it.
Flynnt in the old sound stage Pernell school pernell Ok
Flynnt and me shootin some hoops
We were taking Flynnt and MoniKatt the back way to the Sulpher area, from there they were going to work there way to Dallas. It was Sunday morning and not much is open on Sundays in small town Oklahoma.But we had one more place to stop at even if it was to get a pic.
Flynnt likes the junk shops
but this isn't the photo op we wanted
Thats the money shot (lol)
We said our goodbyes and looked forward to the next time we would ride together.
We have seen Flynnt a few times since at the World Honda Chopper meet in N.C.
since these photos Monikatt and Flynnt have gone their own ways.Flynnt has lost the dreads and is working on a cruise line some where warm and sunny.
We keep in touch and are supposed to do a long ride this summer,this I hope happens......
In every ones life they meet someone who can inspire them.The thing is to know when you have meet that person.Through HC.com Lynn and I have had a chance to meet many people to inspire us to be better people.
In 2008 we had a chance to meet such a person.Oh we had teased with him on the board,but the Voices build made it possiable to meet him,
Steve Baker "Stubby"
The Voices build was done at Streetracers home wich isn't to far away from where Stubby lives
so he was able to take part in the build.Stubby's a good guy who was dealt a hard blow in life.
I can't talk for Steve on what he has gone through or what he goes through on a daily bases.I can talk for myself on what I have seen and learned from him.He has shown me courage,grace and strength, mixed in with a little comedy.He offten says (jokingly) he had to lose two leggs to have a baby.Thats Steve,thats how he is.Oh there is a seriours side to him. But he is light hearted most of the time.
The build really inspired Stubby to be more a part of the HC.com community
He decided to make the MSHCM "The Bash" in 2008
And his life was changed after that get together.Seems we had a big guy show up on his HD with these tall ape hanger bars who wasn't worried at all about taking Stubby on a ride.
This was an inportant ride for me and others it was the memorial ride for RideLord.
What a fitting time to celabrate a new brother on 2 wheels.
Lynn, Stubby and BigJoe
BigJoe and Stubby
Stubby was on cloud 9 the whole day.For weeks all he could do is talk about that ride,he was all over the
board telling anyone and everyone about the ride and how cool it was for BigJoe to take him for a ride.
he was so pumped that he started planing a trike build.Streetracer was helping him get things gathered up.
Plans were made to do a build at Stubby's place.He posted his plans, people responded that they were going to try to make it..
Stubby and the big guy ChuckDV
Yep the word went out and just like it has always been on HC.com people came together at Steves place
to build him a trike.2 1/2 days the guys worked the ladies worked and the kids played. Man I don't even know how many people showed up. But I would guess around 25.It was amazing,so many people giving up
there weekends to help a fellow HCMF out.
Don't take my word for it
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Happy tears
Madien ride
Remember earlyer when I wrote
"the men worked, the ladies worked and the kids played"
well here ya go
Stubby's little one
Some of the kids
Ryan(shags son) and Lynn
Mr Skin and Ryan
Streetracer and daughter
Now I didn't say how old the kids were that were playin (lol)
Lynn and Gothiccowboy (classic pose)
Seems that Sandy and Neal brought "toys" for the big kids to play with
Sandy (crittermomma)
Big man on small bike (lol) ChuckDV, Neal and Sandy
Yeah this is a good idea
Nap time?
While Stubby was distracted the trike was finished,You will notice I had nothing to do with it.
it had such details as pink paint, pink grips with pink and white tasels and one mighty fine thumb ringer and horn.. Good job by master builders (lol)
Stubby didn't play much the entire weekend. I really don't know why
Oh my!! maybe he was just toooooo tired to play.
Look at EWE Stubby.EWE go big boy(lol)
If I remember right this pic was done by Houndog
your welcome Neal (lol)
Lynn and I have had a chance to go to the WHCM in 2008,2009 and 2010
We have met alot of great people.And a few very memorable people.
To decide which person to start with is rough,but there is one that I really wanted to meet and
ride with.
He does not ride a SOHC but he does ride a Honda.And he has rode one since 1978
and still rides the very same bike.
The Lady
Bill Sterner "The Dr" and his Lady (the bike) 1978
Look he's got hair (lol)
The lady (new paint)

The Lady (as I know her now)
Lady dr and Godzilla
a nice ride
Lady dr has been part of HC.com since 2003 and is a very important part of the community and very
respected.I really wanted to meet him, and ride with him.Little did I know it would be one of the best
experiences I would have.You see here in Oklahoma we ride mostly flat straight roads.I mean we have hills
and some Mts.but you have to ride 200 miles to get to them.So Lynn and really hadn't rode TWISTIES till we showed up at the Roost in NC for the first time in 2008.The meet for us is only 2 1/2 days and getting to ride with everyone is really hard.Everyone rides out in what Lynn and I call "waves". Groupes ride out when ever the mood hits them. And Lynn and I missed each time Ladydr would ride out.We spent some time around camp getting to know him and alot of great people, but no rides out.
The last day of the meet was Sunday and we were having to get loaded up and head back to
Oklahoma when I mentioned to Ladydr that I was a little disapointed that we didn't get a chance to ride with
him.He thought for a min and said well mount up and lets do a quick ride. Let me tell you if you have never riden twisties with some one that knows how to ride well it's a rush.
Ladydr in motion on Hwy 421
Sunday morn ride 2008
Here you can see what it's like
"I rode Twisties with Ladydr and found Nirvana"
Me and "The Wise man of the River" 2009
I learned to accept myself and my baldness from Ladydr that year.
Oh and I have learned that he should be called "Ladies Man"
Ladydr and Linda Lee
Hey is that a snake in your pants or are you happy to see ahhh (My Wife)
Hey thats my wife again (I should really watch him) LOL
This shot is for all you ladies
Oh Thats KareBear and Ladydr
In 2009 HC.com had a biker build off.Since Ladydr's Lady is a DOHC and not a SOHC he decided to build one to bring to the Roost.Let me tell you it was a really nice build.And it ran the twisties almost as good as the Lady.
Ladydr 2009 biker build bike
Man he makes running the twisties look easy
In 2009 Ladydr sang a song that he wrote and which became HC.coms anthem
The footage is not real bright it was shot at night with few lights
but check it out
Ladydr is one of a kind.If you ever get a chance to hang out with him do it.
If you ever get a chance to ride with him hold on and be ready for the ride of your life.
Looking forward to our next ride Ladydr...
Oh one more thing , whats the trick Ladydr does before he rides?
anyone know? We do (lol)
So you ask what is this WHCM.Well it's the World Honda Chopper Meet.It's the biggest and best Honda meet in the well WORLD.It's held every year in North Carolina at a place called The Riders Roost, http://www.ridersroost.com/.
What is there to do? What is it like? who is all there?
Well this will help you out
Part 1
Part 2
Video and most pic's shot by Landman and Karebear
Ahhhhhhhhh Landman and KareBear...
Now there is two couples you have to meet and ride with at The Roost
Landman,KareBear and 71CHOP,AungieBug.
Barry "Landman" Crazy eyes
KareBear the better looking of the two (lol)
These are two of the nicest young people you will meet.They are also some of the hardest partying people
you will ever meet.
Late night at the Roost
Up early in the morn after going most of the night.
Landman has some really great talent building bikes.It always amazes me that someone so young (ok young compared to me) has learned and done so much.He has a real gift for paint and is learning some of the old ways of painting.
Landman and Kare on the move
Ahhhhhhhh ain't that sweet
Landman is also a GOTF.Thats Gang of the Four.He is one of 13? moderators on HC.com He's one of the guys that keeps the rest of us in line and on topic (lol)...Lynn and I have rode with these two a few times and it's always alot of fun.Matter of fact our first WHCM back in 2008 Barry and Kari were the first ones that we rode twisties with.We had just drove 23 hours straight no sleep,got to the Roost, unloaded the bike and parked the truck.Next thing I knew we're being ask to go out on a lunch ride.We left out with a group of 12 bikes I think it was,with Landman and KareBear leading the way.That was also our first time riding in a group of Honda Choppers.
Group pic
This was Lynn's first try at shooting a video with us wearing helmets (lol)
Well I took a break from telling Lynns and my story.
Summer arrived and riding was where the fun is (lol)
Besides the normal riding we do around Ok Tx and Ks, we took off for a 7 day
ride across Tx. Now I know this isn't any major feat for Long distance riders.But this
is a very very very hot year.Seems when we started planning this ride it was mid winter
and the thought of riding 2400 miles in the summer seemed like a good idea.
Now don't get me wrong it was a great ride and we would do it again.But maybe not when
it over 100+++ every day of the trip.
We chose not to go to the WHCM 2011 instead spend what little time we can take off
on the Long Ride 2011, also known as "The Ride Through Hell".
It's really easy to see why we call it that.Lets see if I can help you see also.
2439 miles
7 days (really 4 1/2 days) on the road
4 break downs
26 hours in Van Horn Texas waiting on a part.
36 hours in South Padre Island Texas (playing)
we rode through the bad lands of Texas and NM, places like
Roswell NM
Carlsbad Nm
Guadalupe mts
Living Desert (lol)
El Paso
Del Rio
South Padre Island
La Grange
and back to OKC
I want to share 3 videos with you
The first is Skulls story she had a rough ride this trip
The Next is the first half of the ride
The second half of the ride
The End
Shortly after getting home from The Long Ride 2011 also known as the "Ride Thru Hell"
One of our favorite HCMF's messaged us and said he was going to be to our home in
a few days. Wow no time to relax,it's time to get the house ready and Skull ready for more
Flynnt Maverick was on his way!!!!
This was going to be waaaaaaaaaay Cool.
hadn't seen him since the last WHCM and it was time to have some fun and visit with an old friend.
Here's some of what we did
Wow!!!, What a busy summer. I guess an update is in order.For the past few years Lynn and I start planing
a fall ride well right after the fall ride we just finished.Last years fall ride was 5 states in 2 1/2 days.
We took that ride with RedGood off of HC.com Him and Kate live up in Locust Grove Ok. and owns CycleOne and it was a blast.
Well we had talked about riding to New Orleans for our next fall ride.Red Said I'm in (that is way cool).
So plans had been being made for a fall long ride.Fast forward a few months an Barry posts on HC.com
that this is the last year for the Hunnert Car Pile up in IL.It's a hot rod , old car , pinup girl hapening that Lynn
and I had talked about going to for a couple of years.Choices choices choices we can't do both I mean we work for ourselfs and to take off to do both means loss of money and customers left without being taken care of. Hmmmmmmmmmm what to do?
So in the course of Lynn and I talking about what we both wanted to do, Lynn says why don't we do both.
**ME** A Huh??????????? Was my response , both how cam we do both? You know how many miles that is right?
**Lynn** No
**Me** well neither do I, but your looking at at least a week on the road. I mean from here to New Orleans, then to IL. and back home.
**Lynn** yeah so whats the problem?
**Me** ------------------------------- (yep couldn't say a thing) after one of the most brutal rides we have ever done and she wants to load up and go on another Long Ride (what a ladie).
So the decsion had been made we do them both at the same time.The game plan was simple get our son Williams to take care of my customers and get our daughter Jennifer to take care of Lynn's customers.Plans were under way.Now to see how far it would be and how many days to allow to make it home in a timely manor.Red was called and informed of our idea, he said he would ride with us to New Orleans but could not
make the rest of the trip (had work to take care of).So maping was done , miles were figured and days were added. ***point of refrence*** some where between leaving out of New Orleans and crossing Lake Pontchartrain the maping thing was worthless (lol).
We would also be going to Monticello, Ark. during this ride.Lynn had been told stories about her family
being from this area and how they had help start a church and cemetary.She also had been sent papers from her dad to help prove this.The church was called Rock Springs United Methodist we were going to find out alot more about Lynns family once we got there.
But I will tell that story once we get there, got to leave first (lol) We decided that 11 days should cover travel time , sight seeing and 2 extra days for problems on the road.
Cause this ain't our first rodeo and we have seen this movie and know how it ends, (LOL)
Miles we should cover would be 2,746 , thats with out any side trips or miss trips
9 states 11days 2,746 miles **Easy Peesy**
As the date to leave drew closer pre-trip checks were done on Skull.I decided that the neck bearing needed
to be changed.Chain needed to be changed.Oil change, new plugs, timing checked and so on.All was done, checked and taken care of , we were ready to go..
Sept 29th and it was time to head out.The plan was to leave between 5:30 and 6:30 am. We were riding North to head South, because to head East and then South well would be just to dang easy and make to much sense.Red was going to meet us in Ft.Smith (lol).This never works out,we never meet where we
say we are going to.We do how ever find each other some where on the road.So we start out knowing
we are going to have an adventure just finding each other.Well a few hours on the road and we are already running behind time wise.Red has missed the turn off in Ft Smith and headed back South into Oklahoma and
is about 75 miles South of where we were going to meet.Lynn and I keep to the plan , to ride the twisties from Ft Smith Ark to Mena Ark. Red is headed East toward Mena and we are headed South.During our ride South we run into bikes from all over headed North to the Blues Bikes and BBq in Fayettville Ark.
We also ran across a bike wreck about 20 miles South of Ft Snith, didn't want to see that at the start of an
11 day ride.Sorta made for a somber and thoughtfull time.Time to roll on the gas and catch up to Red.
We catch up with Red just outside Mena Ark.This is pretty funny here we are ripping along trying to make up Time as best we can and also trying to enjoy the ride when out of no where theres Red.He had just pulled
up to a stop sign on a road runnin East and West , stopped pulled to the side and had just lit up a smoke
when here we come rollin by.We didn't even stop just kept right on going.I raised my hand and motioned
to come on.Thats how it always works with us. both parties have a idea (lol) on the way we are going and
where we are planning to end up the first night so we always have found the other...
The first day was a long one Lynn and I had done 550 miles to wind up in a town that was about 385 miles from our house.The first night was spent in Monticello Ark which is where Lynns family had started a church
in the late 1800's. The next day we all would set out to find the church and cemetary.We would also find out
that Lynns dads family name was all over the 3 cemetarys that we stopped at.
Heres a video of what we found
Big Thanks to Red for seeing a small cemetary off to the side of
the road that Lynn and I missed.This Cemetary would have a story
All of it's own and lead to more info
We spent about 3 hours walking the Churchs grounds and the grounds of 3 cemetarys.But it was time to
move on.Our goal for day 2 was The Big Easy yep New Orleans.We would have to ride through the rest
of Ark. part of Mississippi and on into La. No problem it's only 340 miles away.By the time we got to
the Mississippi River and Vicksburg we were a little behind time wise.While we were taking pic's and getting
gas I got a phone call from the Bed and Breakfast in New Orleans they wanted to know how we were doing
on getting to them.I had told them we would be in New Orleans by 6:00pm .Well it was 3:30 and we were
around 210 miles away.Looks like we are going to have to ride hard for a few hours.(lol)
The next 3 hours was nothing but a blur averaging around 83 miles per hour, only stopping for gas, and back at it. We got into New Orleans around 6:30 tired and lost (lol).funny thing is the exit ramp we took put us right in the Superdomes parking lot, and just about a mile from Canal street which is where the B&B is.
So we got directions from some locals and made our way thru downtown New Orleans to our sleeping spot.
The plan here was 2 nights stay then head North for Lynn and I, Red was heading back to Locust Grove the morning we leave for IL.We get settled into our room then head out to get some food, then rest.Got a busy day planed for Sat. We are going to have a local guide us around New Orleans , MotorHead from HC.com
is meeting us early in the morning and showing us the town.
MotorHead and Me
Skull in one of the cemetarys
MotorHead and Red
Skull on the ferryLater that night Lynn and I went out to see the sights
WOW,try to find a restroom on Burbon Street after 8:00. You either have to have a hotel room or buy a drink at one of the clubs to be able to pee.Heres a little advice the public restrooms close at 8:00 pm,but if you really need a restroom go to the gay section of Burbon Street.They let you use the restroom without buying anything.You might have to carry around the key attached to a toilet seat but it's funny and free LOL.
Monday morning was here quick and we all had to get ready to hit the road.
We ate some breakfast and spent some time talking and gettin our bags packed.Lynn and I were going to do up some laundry and Red was cuttin out around 8:00am.We said our goodbys and safe ride to Red and he was on the road.Lynn and I wasn't leaving till around 11:00.
Even while we were crossing over Lake Pontchartrain Lynn and I were thinking of New Orleans
It was time to head North and our next destination
The Hunnet Car Pile Up and Barry Lands place. You know Landman
We were also going to meet a bunch of new brothers from a site known as
But first we had to get there.
Oh the stories I can tell.oh wait I can do that here.
We roll out of New Orleans Monday morn around 11am and head thru town looking for this bridge we have
heard so much about.It has been told to us that the bridge across Lake Pontchartrain is the longest in the
world.Well it was time for these 2 Okies to see this site.It took us almost 1 1/2 hours to make our way around town to the lake, then we had to work our way thru little areas where the storm walls are.Finally one
more right turn and we were on the bridge.The ride across was cool, it was windy and rough in a few spots
but we made it across.Now on to Mahomet IL. and Barrys place.You have to understandit had been over a
year since we had see Barry and KareBear and we were really loking forward to the visit and ride.There is just some people you meet that you have to see as often as you can, Barry is one of those guys.I can name maybe 20 people that I have meet that are close to my heart like Barry.He is one of a kind.
Our goal for monday even with leaving late was Memphis or close to there (LOL)
Remember me saying that earlyer that the rode I had maped out would go out the window (if Skull had windows) well it did.Lynn decided we would run the east side of the state of Mississippi so we were now headed to Meridan Miss and on from there to Tupelo Miss. Which is where we stopped for the day.
341 miles not a bad days ride since we started out at 11am and we had zero problems.
Boy was that going to change.
500 miles a day thats our goal and we have meet that many times but that was not to be on this next day.
We slept good and had a good meal.The hotel we stayed in was right next to a mexican place.When we are on the rode we DO NOT slep on the ground and I do not camp if I don't have to.500 miles a day is rough even on the young guns.Tues morn 7:30am and it's time to head out.We get Skull loaded up and warmed up.And head out around 550 miles to Barrys place easy peasy.
Shortly after we left out of Tupelo things went all wrong.Some where we made a wrong turn and was in Alabama.we are screaming along and see a sign that reads Welcome to Alabama.Hmm I tell Lynn that we need to turn around. All she has to say lets keep going and see where we end up."Forever Forward" was her saying for the last 2 long rides.Which means no turning around no matter what keep going forward.
The biggest problem I seen almost 60 miles in was we were headed towad Birmingham which was back the way we just came.So I get us turned around on a cross over and get ready to head back the way we came,when Lynn says lets just head that way and see where we end up.Now that was North and thats the way we needed to be going.So that way we went(lol).about 10 miles and a stop sign later we could only go East or West or back to the Hwy. Well I chooe back to the Hwy and back we came from when we got lost.
We find our way back to where we started and after a few mins later were back where the sign to North 51
Back on track.About that time the clutch starts slipping and we start looking for a place to do an adjustment.
We pull off the rode and I get on the phone to LRT for advice.I hadn't have to adjust the clutch ever.A few min later and we are good to go again.We get going again and start heading up hwy 51to find hwy 60.Just about the time we find 60 the chain is slapping around so loud that it's time to pull over and adjust it.
We pulled off onto 60 and right into an old gas station.Suns startin to go down and we have put hardly any
miles on.But for now the task at hand.we have a cover over head and there are benches to sit on.Looking around we could have not picked a better place to stop.Across the street is a hotel a gas station and yep a
mexican resturant (lol), so if we need to stay the night we are set.But really adjusting the chain takes about 20 min at the most.Mainly because I have to take the bags off and go from there.Once the bags are off I notice
there is no more adjustment that can be done The axle is all the way back.Not to worry I have a spare chain
all cut and ready to go.All I have to do is get the old one off and the new one on.We carry enough tools (ok some say more than enough) but whats more than enough? Anyway got tools to do the job including 15 inch
wrench for the top and bottom nuts.After taking the old chain off and putting the spare chain on I find out I
had cut it 2 links to short "CRAP".By this time the guy that owns thw old station had walked over,he lives right next door.He said his wife had told him a bike was at the shop and looks like they might need help.I'm on the phone with an SOS call to Landman, while Lynn is talking to him.Landman was going to post on both
HC.com and TCU.com with our location and situation.Come to find out that the guy that owns the station rides also.He offered tools and any help we needed.That was nice the only problem is he rides HD's and belt drive to boot.Lynn and him talk and look over his old car and bikes, while I try to work thru our situation.
I get to thinkin if I put the chain on the top of the rear sprocket and roll Skull backwards maybe I can get it to pop on the sprocket(or bust the chain).It will be tight, banjo tight but we can get back on the road,and if not well we spend the night and start trying to find a tracktor supplie store for a chain.Well it poped on now to tighten every thing up get the saddle bags back on and call Landman and let him know we are back on the road.We said our thank yous and good byes to the owner of the station, who gave us some advice to keep going till we get to hwy 24.He said there was some pretty rough towns between his place and the main Hwy.
With the sun setting and miles to get under we saddle up and head out.Now riding at night is really no big deal for Lynn and I we have done it alot.Not just in Oklahoma but other states.But riding at night in this area
was diffrent.The corn grows almost right next to the road,and you just know dear would be out.So with only one head light we tear down the road.Here I am white knuckeling it and try to keep my eyes out for anything on or near the road,hoping the loud pipes will keep the road clear.Now right or wrong I pull out an old trick I use in the hills here in Oklahoma,I start honking the horn every so often.Hoping this will get us down a safe and clear road.
Comming into WickLiffe,Ky
The funny thing is when we pulled into WickLiffe,Ky we stop at a gas station to see if this town had a hotel, motel,spa,B&B anything so we could bed down.We find out there is a hotel and we make our way to it.The first thing Lynn says when we get off of Skull is "Did you see the dear by the side of the road"
all I could say was "No I was a little busy tryin to see the road".The hotel if you can tell by the video above
looked like the Bates Motel.It was clean but straight out of the 60's.We get regestard and our key and get unloaded and start walking to a place down the street that might still be open for dinner.Now it's about 7:30
and just about every place in this town is closed and by the time we got to the gas station/resturant well they were closing and done serving food at 7:00.So looks like we see what they have on the selves and make do with what we could get.So 2 soft drinks 2 bags of chips 1 can of bean dip and some other munchies we made our way back to the motel from hell and our bed. While we watch some TV and eat our supper I look over at Lynn and tell her "See I told you I would take you to far away places and we would stay in fancy places and eat great food" yep all she could do is start laughing.
I had told MotorHead just a day before when he was talking about taking a long ride,that he needed to do lots of small rides and go further each time.he asked why and this is what I told him."when your out on the road doing a long ride at some point you hit a wall,every thing that goes on seems to tell you that this as far as you will go.Your body says I have had enough your bike says shes had enough.It will seem as the whole world is working to hold you where your at.When that happens you have to figure a way around it.Thats where we were with the chain situation but we didn't let it stop us.
Oh and a simple point to be made here with everything that went on this day we went a sum total of
212 miles (LOL)
Gettin Pussy on the rode (LOL)
Looks like more pussy
This little one wanted to go with us
Leaving Ky and heading into ILL
More Pussy
The things you find
Landman with new tire
A stop at KONGS graveside
Skulls tire went flat before we left the cemetary
Like I told Lynn
"Don't say we never go for walks"
February 18 ,2012
We lost a close friend and biker brother today. Roy Booze lost his fight with cancer.
Sandra and Roy have been married for 52 years.They were never blessed with kids,but they did sorta adope
Lynn and I.Over the past 7 years they have seen hundreds of videos and 1000s of pic's.They felt like they knew each and everyone on you guys.when Lynn and I would tell our stories of places we had rode to and the brothers we had seen they would talk as if they were there with us.Roy got to meet a few of you people,
Nimrod , Jen and Flynnt.Roy was looking forward to meeting more of you and seeing Lynns bike (Naked Lady) and the trike Serinity done and on the road.I am going to post a few pic's of Roy and Sandra here.
I have a few of the bike he built in the living room of the house the live in.And Sandra has said she has pic's of the bike being built so when I get those I will post a video.
One of the few times we ever got to see them off the porch
What Sandra and Roy on our porch (LOL)

Roy and the bike he built in the living room of there house
Look at these hotties
We got to see Roy 15 min before he passed
We would rather remember Roy Like he was in these videos
Full of life and cantankours (lol)
We always picked on Sandra and Roy
for always sitting on the porch and not going
any where
we talked them into going to Eichens with us once
and talked about the mexican resturant in Kingfisher
Then when Roys sister came to visit they drove out to eat there
We were in Hinton Ok eating lunch when we got a call saying what they had planed
so we rode across the state to meet them there
"If you can't run you walk and if
you can't walk you crawl and if
you can't crawl you ask someone to
Carry YOU"
Roy Booze
Well with all the crazyness of Roy passing , Helping plan a wedding and getting ready for the birth of our 1st grand babby things have been well crazy. I have been waitting on Lynns tripple tree to be machined down by Cycle ones guy.Yeah 3 months and still nothing.So the Naked Lady build sits taking up floor space and going no where.Spring has sprung with a vengence been busyer than a cat burying 5 lbs of crap.
But Lynn and I are heading out on a weekend ride,bout time (LOL) it's been to long.
So to get us and you in the mood I did up a little video
See You Guys on The ROAD
The Badland footage was from our Ride Thru Hell June 2011
We lost another brother this week
John Michael Worthey - 39
7/10/1972 - 4/1/2012
Cissna Park, formerly of Watseka - John Michael “Naguethey” Worthey, 39, of Cissna Park, formerly of Watseka, passed away on Sunday, April 1, 2012, in rural Woodland from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.
He was born Monday, July 10, 1972, in Watseka, the son of John Daniel and Jacqueline L. Hancock Worthey; his parents survive in Cissna Park.
Mr. Worthey served in the United States Army National Guard B Co. 2/58th Infantry from August 31, 1993 until his honorable discharge on June 9, 2001.
He worked for Donnie Miller Construction, Richard Hancock Carpentry, ProLine Systems, Inc. in Kirkland, Wash., and Country Auto Service in Cissna Park throughout his life. Mr. Worthey was a member of Milford Christian Church, Trinity Church in Watseka, and CB 750 Honda Choppers; he loved the outdoors and adventures in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. He enjoyed camping, rock climbing, building canoes, hunting, motorcycling, building Honda choppers, drawing, metal etching, art work, Native American history, photography, and spending time with his nieces, nephews, family, and friends; he loved living life.
He was born Monday, July 10, 1972, in Watseka, the son of John Daniel and Jacqueline L. Hancock Worthey; his parents survive in Cissna Park.
Mr. Worthey served in the United States Army National Guard B Co. 2/58th Infantry from August 31, 1993 until his honorable discharge on June 9, 2001.
He worked for Donnie Miller Construction, Richard Hancock Carpentry, ProLine Systems, Inc. in Kirkland, Wash., and Country Auto Service in Cissna Park throughout his life. Mr. Worthey was a member of Milford Christian Church, Trinity Church in Watseka, and CB 750 Honda Choppers; he loved the outdoors and adventures in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. He enjoyed camping, rock climbing, building canoes, hunting, motorcycling, building Honda choppers, drawing, metal etching, art work, Native American history, photography, and spending time with his nieces, nephews, family, and friends; he loved living life.
Don't mean WE haven't been on
Riding Season if there is one for us
is moving ahead full speed
Well I have not update in a few weeks
between workin and ridin been a little busy (lol)
Lynn and I headed out mothers day weekend
May 12.13 2012
We rode up to Madrid NM for the weekend
We call it Lynns Madrid Day Weekend
we rode thru rain and hail on the way
and rain on the way back
Lynn counted 8 breaks in the rain on the way back
heres some footage of the rain
this is some where between East of Tucumcarie
and West Shamrock Tx
This is the first of 2 videos from this ride
it's mostly video of the ride
Part 2
We met a guy from Mt Pleasnt Tx in Tucumcarie Nm
He was headed West to La to ride with a group in
The Ride To The Wall
His Name is Terry (PAT) West
really nice guy didn't judge us because we weren't riding
a Harley Matter of fact he thought Skull was cool
He is just like alot of the guys we meet he just had to sit on her
Didn't get a pic of that but got pic's of our bikes
and we got an E-Mail from him
he is home and safe
so heres some pic's we took and he sent us
So we have taken the past 2 Saturdays May 10th And worked on Jennfers bike FireSnuffer seems when RideLord
built it he well lets just say didn't do it the way it should have been
done.No Amen motor plates, the motor was only bolted on it 2 places
Should always be at least 3 places.He used the stock wire connectores
These just suck and get worse with age.So all of them had to be removed
mainly because the male ends were comming unpluged and then the ends
where they were soldered were falling off.
Heres a short video of some of the cuttingthis is the pay off!!!!!!!
We are getting everything ready for The Long Ride
Skull is just about ready,Got a new fender on the way
New headlights one of the lenses was broke in the hail storm
Heading to Madrid.Let me tell you these headlights are not
easy to find. Got the new front tire today.Jennifer was over
This past Sat to learn how to change oil and put to plugs in.
Seat has been redone (more gel for me). Naguethey patches
have been sewn on our jackets.
We head out the afternoon of June 15th 2012 for a 10 state
5000+ mile ride. It started out as a 9 1/2 hard ride but has turned
into a 16 day fun ride.
Well it's july 7th and we are 6 days back from The Long Ride 2012
15 1/2 days 6,490 miles and one 1 problem with Skull the entire ride, and that happened the first night out. For some reason on the way out of OKC to the Oklahoma Panhandle to visit a cusion that I hadn't seen in 30+ years Skull decided she didn't want to down shift.I could up shift all day long but no down shifting.
One phone call to Motorhead (Clint) in New Orleans and Skull was back to work the way she should be.Seems when I did my clutch adjusment before leaving I got the clutch cable out of sink and I also noticed that the shifter linkage was out of whack.so 20mins and a couple of turns of the wrench and we were ready to roll again.
Now I'm not going to go day by day of the trip but I am going to touch on a few of the high lights and low lights of the ride.
One place that sticks out in our minds is a small town we just happen to have to stop in for gas
Adel, Oregon really small town in the dry hills of Oregon. We need to get gas and it seemed like a good place to stop.We pulled into the corner station,where there happen to be two HDs that had stopped for gas also.Now usally a gas stop wouldn't be that big a deal.But this one was a fun stop.
First of all the guy that runs the store/gas station/bar/resturant had to come out to start the pump
which he used his pocket knife to do just that.Since the two guys on HDs were there first they filled up first. The first filled up then asked do we pay inside The owner said theres no one inside to take your money.Then he said well theres 3 guys inside but they have been drinkin since early morn.
But I wouldn't talk to them.Then I said or look them in the face.Then he said yeah or look them in the eye.Then I said and if you hear the music from Deliverance run.The owner just started laughing.
What made this funny was he was poking fun at his own twn folk.The 2 guys on the HDs just didn't know what to say.Then it was our turn to fill up.The owner said I haven't seen a old Honda since around 1974 or so, Wha year is that one? I told him its a 74. He said thats just really cool to see one again.
We all went inside to pay and Lynn walked around taking pic's
The 2 guys on HDs were headed to Reno and we were headed to Goshen Or
They paid for there gas and went to sit down at a table.I walked over to get us some bottled water
Handed the owner they money for gas and water. he said the water is free.I said you sure he said yep
"Thats for keepin the old school on the road"
I thanked him and headed for the door,told the 2 guys safe ride and Lynn and I got after it again.
A few pic's from our 6000+ mile ride
As I sit blowing bubbles in my tub of hot water and bath saltz trying to relive the pain in these old joints, thinking of past rides and future rides and hoping for at least one rideable day this weekend.It dawns on me I haven't updated my blog in a while.... Not that anyone reads it or evens cares.
But it seems to make me happy to tale our story and relives alot of stress.
Besides the two builds I have going we picked up a new ride.
A 1984 Kawasaki Voyager ZN1300
yep a big old cruising bike
We have put over 1,500 miles on "Voyager" since we got her.Oh she needs and has had work done to her. She has had a new front tire, oil change,valve adj. and a new battery.She still needs new rear tire,new air shocks on the rear and new fork seals . Other than that shes a great bike to ride.
Now before you think we have forgot about Skull.Well we haven't
One of the winter rides we have taken
Hugo Ok also known as "Circus City"
Oklahoma Coyote
Lynn was fast with the camera
Well it's April 2013
Lots of things have changed since I started this story
I'm not hanging around to much on Hondachopper.com
it's really doesn't seem like home anymore and I don't feel welcome.
I am however on The Chopper Underground or TCU.com alot
seems to be more inclusive and with us riding Voyager I can post pics and stories there
Alot of things have changed with the people I have posted about here also
KareBear and Landman split up a little over a year ago
Streetracer has all but disappeared
Flynnt is on a ship most of the time now.
Sandra is still griveing over the loss of Roy
Mike has been gone a year
Our grandbaby is 7months old
GothicCowBoy has given me his bike
Moma dont want him to ride.
Lynn and I are still together 36 yrs and counting
and we are still putting on the miles
I will post up some pics after this update
As I sit here looking back over this blog thinking about good times and bad
I am still very thankful that Lynn and I can ride the miles that we do
we are still out most weekends and put on between 300 to 600 miles a week
we still do supper rides which turn out to be around 100 miles
Oh on a side note Lucilles in Mulhall has reopened
this is a nice place to eat a little pricey but good food
it's located 54 miles from our house so you can see why our supper rides are 100 miles
We are doing a Ghost town ride and search this year
going out on weekends and trying to find places that are not there any more
you can read about here
haven't found any yet but we did find a cool lost and forgotten cemetary
also we are 9 days out from riding up to Charleston Ill to Car99r's Moonshine Run
should be a blast and it's only 640 miles one way (LOL)
and we get to see Effingham again.
So thats it for now
MoonShine Run 2013
We left out of Bethany Ok at 5:30 Thursday
riding Voyager (Skulls being a
pain)we took I-44 to Tulsa with no problems this would be the longest ride on our new toy
we took the Cherokee turnpike out and around the heavy traffic in Tulsa
Yep thats where I took a wrong turn
Some where I went right on hwy 412 and started heading for Ark instead of Mo
we ended up runnin hwy 43 from Grove Ok (Grand Lake Area) to Joplin
2 lanes and twisties thats not a bad thing but it was pitch black dark.
not fun but makes for a good story. You know us rollin along at a snails pace because
we had never been on this section of road and having semis zippin thru the turns and twists
going the other way like they owned the road and have drove it a 1,000 times. (LOL)
Yep it was a fun section of road. I can tell you Lynn and I are going back (with Skull)
a run it like we own it *during the day time* lol we'll get pics and video
after all it's just gas and time.
Anyway we pulled into Joplin at 10:00 yep 4 1/2 hours from OKC to Joplin
Not gonna make that wrong turn again. get checked in to the hotel not the one we usally stay at
but it's cold and I'm done for this day.
warm bed, shower and hot breakfast and were ready for the next day.
Hit the road around 8:00
gonna make Charleston and Car99r's place today
Strong winds and cool weather make for a long and rough ride even on Voyager
On Skull we feel the cold and the wind but it feels more like we are cutting through the wind
Hey that would be a good name for my next buld "Wind Cutter" Hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe not sounds like it would have gas (LOL)
it's pushin 5:00 and we should have been there by now
but with gas stops and hot coffee stops we were a little behind
we had stoped at a little town just north? of Poking Pork for a fill up of gas and coffee and PIE when I noticed My phone had messages on it
Seems as though the guys at Car99r's were wondering if all was well
Called Barry (Landman) to let him know alls well
It's great to have people out there that make sure others are good
Told him where we were(12 miles away) and we would be there soon
We got to Car99r's place said our howdys and settled in for a visit
Now Lynn and I don't party but we do hang with the peps that do
and the talking and BS'in is what we enjoy
Around a 11:00 we head to our hotel and got a hot shower and good nights sleep
and was awake and ready for Sat riddin
What can I say it was a great day, great ride and great event
We had NO idea what it was all about and when we turned the corner a headed up the long straight away to the MoonShone Store
I was at a loss for words
Lynn and I have gone to big events in the past.Heck Sparks Ok has an event here in Ok thats brings in 20 to 30 thousand bikers
But to see thousands of bikes for a 1 day event all lined up on the road going North,South,East and West was just the coolest thing we have seen
Every kind of bikes you can think of from all over the U.S.
Then to leave MoonShine and ride over to MVP was just as cool.
Lynn and really liked this place and Chris said we would.
After a time enjoying the setting and people and PIG and after the kids played on the trampoline
it was time for us to roll out for gas and head back to town.
more visiting and some food and the day was done.
Never seems like enough time but all good things have to come to a end
Voyager was to act up Sunday morn and we would make a call to Chris for a jump (Thanks Scrap for the #)
we get her started and follow Chris back to his place to say our good bys
we were going to ride with Drummer a ways but he was having issues so he said for us to go on. So we did
we also decide to run back out to see a covered bridge and take some pic's
which was cool(we dont have very many in Ok and they are on private property)
we ended up seeing Cumberland County Covered Bridge , Shiloh Cemetery where Pres Lincolns dad and step mother are burried and we went to the log cabin that was Thomas and Sahra Lincolns
This was a great experince and a good time .
Time to hit the road, game plan get to Joplin
we stoped for lunch in Pocahontas Ill just 30 miles from Saint Louis
we get going again ***No problems with Voyager since the jump start***
With rain clouds in front of us I wanted to spend the night in SpringField but Lynn said to keep going we would get to Joplin Before it started rainning
And we did we had no more checked in and it started pouring.
Food (witch the desk clerk went and got for us) we really like the Best Western in Joplin shower bed and ready to roll out Monday morn
well that was not to be Voyager would not start even jump starting her (have I said we like the Best Western in Joplin)
anyway I start to go get plugs and Lynn starts making phone calls
She gets ahold of a shop just out side of town who brings a trailer and gets us to the shop
about 2 hours later we are up and runnin
The guy that owns the shop said the valves were to tight the exhaust side is stayin closed and shes flooding out
when I told him the Kaw shop in okc wanted to do a valve job on her he told me the same thing the guys on the Voyager site said to do
and well we will be taking her to Joplin to his shop
so we unlock the gas cover (so we dont turn her off) and get her started and ready to roll all total $90.00
we hit the road to make OKC ASAP only stoppin for gas we didn't even take pee stops just gas and go
Joplin to okc 4 hours and thats with runnin rt66
I ran route66 just in case we broke down because it's a bitch to get help on the turnpike.
Home and alls well more of less
Voyager wont start but I have a fix for that
it's called shop in Joplin and get the carbs set on Skull
Video of Shiloh Cemetery
Heres some new road pic's
Thats me by the front wheel tryin to get that perfect shot (LOL)
There will pics posted after Mothers day 2013
But it won't be ride related
every couple years I take Lynn to
Renaissance Festival in Muskogee , Ok. for Mothers Day
see more here
ok heres a little video
it's meant to be a parody
Memorial weekend ride
we took time and stopped in a small cemetery out in the country here in Oklahoma to pause and walk with the souls who have come and gone before us.
Thanks to all who served!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well springs gone and summer is here
well into the 90's++ here in Oklahoma
I want to update with some pic's and maybe a thought or two.
First off Lynn's and my story has been and will always be free
we have no thought on selling our tails (LOL) or our stories
You can always count on being able to come here and see what we are up to.
Also we don't need validation from anyone
we don't need a patch or a moniker telling the whole world we are iron butts
we know we are
We have been riding although we didn't for almost a month due to storms here in Oklahoma
here is a few pic's from one of our rides
we took a ride to down town OKC for these pic's
Finally got the time to take Voyager up to Joplin
shes now in the hands of Mitch at Mid America Rebuilders
we will keep everyone informed on her progress and the job he does on her
Here is a few pic's from the trip , now even though we did not ride we did drive Rt66
on the way back .
Voyager in the shop
Bent ramps (yep shes a big girl)Pics from the road (Rt66)
Yep another pic of "The Famous Blue Whale"
Now if your wonderin why some many pics
Well Lynn and I both got new cameras
and we were testing them out (LOL)
We are still doing the Ghost Towns of Oklahoma ride this summer
Heres a video of what it's like on two of the roads we have to ride on this past weekend
Now it's Lynns first video with her new camera so be nice about the quality
but it shows how rough the road is
Heres what it looked like from where we started heading back to the black top
Heres another road we took
pic of Lynn wanderin
Pic of Skull in the tall grass
we rode thru some of this to get to the top
So I was wondering
Where would you ride your chop?
what would you ride thru?
How important is getting that pic or finding that out of the way place?
Happy 4th
Yep July 4th 2013
Nothin more important that Fun, Family and Fireworks
so here we go
The Family
The Fireworks
The FUN well thats riding and being with Lynn for another 4th
This year makes 37 4th of Julys we have been together
Lookin forward to another 37.
We have been out on the road
I just haven't been updating
So heres a new video from a weekend ride
Finding Fred
We set out Sat morn july 26th 2013 to find the town of Fred
It is said that the town was in SW Oklahoma off of Old Hwy 81
We never found The old town but we did find a sign talking about it.
What we did find was the Muncrief cemetery
we had to go thru 4 gates and 3 cow pasturs to get to it.
because of the size of the video I had to cut it into 2 parts
Finding History
Riding Western Oklahoma is not for the weak of heart or the faint of spirit.
This part of Oklahoma is unforgiving and brutal.
Summer time can burn you up, and make you wish for winter.
The area we call the flats is especially nasty during the summer months.
Most days highs are in the high 90's and hotter. Winds from South at 20 + mph
like they are coming straight out of HELL. strong enough to pick you and your bike up
and move you to the shoulder.
Not many places to pull over to get out of the sun and cool off.
Oh there are road side parks but sitting under a pavilion while to hot wind blows is really not cooling off.
It's just another form of HELL. Nothing out there but scrub oak and tumble weeds.
If you know the country and know where you are and what road your on you might be able to make it to the closest town.
The really only way to cool off is to find a station or a country store buy you a cold drink and cop a squat, only to
back out into the repressive heat.
This is not a ride around the block to the bar on bike night, nor is it a ride to the lake on a nice fall day.
if your not prepared a long ride out in Western Ok. can put you down quickly. Riding out there is unlike any where you have rode.
We have rode through Death Valley , Nevada , Arizona and New Mexico , Hwys such as I-40 I 35 Rt66 Hwy 62 are know for being rough.
But the roads out there will test your ride and your back. They will shake your bike and test every nut, bolt and weld.
So Harsh and daunting is this part of Oklahoma that we rode out there many times in the summer of 2010 to get us ready for the ride through HELL
I told Lynn then that I never wanted to ride Skull out that way again. Yeah that worked out. We rode out that way again in 2012 as the starting point for
the North West ride.
This part of Oklahoma was know as "No Mans Land" in the 1800's. It takes a tough man and woman to live out there. It takes an even tougher man and woman to ride around out there.
In my opinion it's still no mans land. I can say that since I was born in WoodWard Oklahoma and spent many years in this area. a lot of history My history is in "No Mans Land"
Which brings us to Aug 2013 and another ride in the same area and once again on Skull. Yep what I said I would never do again , I was getting ready to do (again).
Lynn has started doing our family trees and had found out that I have family buried in some of the cemeteries in that area.Now this is family that I would know about because it's further
back than my Grand parents.
The ride was set, the towns were chosen and the weekend had arrived. The weather forecast was for hot with a chance of rain.Rain I could only hope there would be rain.
Now there is a difference between riding through NW Ok and riding around seeing the sights in NW Ok. Anyone can ride straight through this area it takes a special kind of crazy to tour NW Oklahoma in the heat
of summer.But that's our kind of Crazy.
We visited 6 cemeteries riding through temps at 96 then 86 then 76 and back up to 101. Rain yep it rained more like stormed. we rode through 2 rain storms. Which was nice just for the fact it cooled us off.
We didn't find any headstones with any of my family names. But then again during the dust bowl a lot of them were buried or blown over.There were a lot of unknown and markers we could not read.So whos to say.
As we were riding towards Camargo we ran across a sign with and arrow that said Cemetery not unusual but we turned onto a dirt road top a small hill and there it was
10 graves no arch or sigh with the name of the cemetery. it was over grown and really cool.
My thoughts about the ride and riding this part of Oklahoma is the same and will more than likely not change.
My thought about riding this area is never again on Skull
My thoughts on the cemeteries are very simple.
Each one has a very special aspect to each one. As we walked through these sites, and looked for my history, I realized there is so much more than just my history that I should take time to look for and learn.
The other thought I came away with is this.
These people buried out there were tough living in "No Mans Land". Living in what I call HELL
To live, work and love in this part of Oklahoma only to be buried out there.
Each one of the head stones should have this on them.
"Born in Hell, Lived in Hell, Loved in Hell only to be buried in Hell"
"Yep spending eternity in Hell"
A few pic's
video to follow
So our Grand baby turned 1 on Aug 9th
soooooooooooo heres a little video
Happy 1st Birthday ElizaBeth
Ok back to riding
Hers is the video from the ride in North Western Oklahoma
here is a few pic's from this weekend ride
Aug 16-18
no really big story
didn't find a Ghost Town
but did find alot of great weather for riding
So I have been a little distant lately.
Fall is fast approaching and the fall ride is about 6 weeks away
I dont know if Lynn and I are going to make this ride this year
Williams (our son) will not be able to cover for me while we are gone
I did get a call from Mitch at Mid American Rebuilders
It's been 11 weeks and I have been waiting to hear about Voyager
seems like she should be back home it 2 weeks
Just in time for fall riding
Call me a PUSSY but I'm looking forward to taking Lynn me and Voyager on a long
Ride.Maybe drop from here to SPI,Texas and roll the coast East.
I know I know it's a ride that was to be with SKULL but I really want to see what it's like on a CRUISER.
Besides we have been to SPI 2 times on Skull
Lynn and I are also getting ready to start looking for our retirement place
Got some money saved up and it's time to find "OUR" place
so keep your eyes peeled for (maybe) a new home place.
Looking forward to another weekend of riding
Skulls had an oil change and overall check
I'm ready to ride and it's only
Aug 23-25 2013
Well the weekend has come and gone
and we finally found a Ghost Town
Actually we found 3
Yeager, Lima and Rossville
But it seems the cemeteries that are close by are more
interesting than the old towns.
Sept 1st 2013
Well after spending most of the summer (weekends) looking for
family from my past.We just happened upon a cemetery in North Eastern Ok
and found a 2nd cousin 3x's removed
Now I say just happened because we were not looking for any family
this weekend.We were on a fun ride to check out the 101 Ranch up
by Ponca city and go from there up and around to Kingfisher
for lunch.
So here is a short video of our ride.
Aug 16-18
no really big story
didn't find a Ghost Town
but did find alot of great weather for riding
So I have been a little distant lately.
Fall is fast approaching and the fall ride is about 6 weeks away
I dont know if Lynn and I are going to make this ride this year
Williams (our son) will not be able to cover for me while we are gone
I did get a call from Mitch at Mid American Rebuilders
It's been 11 weeks and I have been waiting to hear about Voyager
seems like she should be back home it 2 weeks
Just in time for fall riding
Call me a PUSSY but I'm looking forward to taking Lynn me and Voyager on a long
Ride.Maybe drop from here to SPI,Texas and roll the coast East.
I know I know it's a ride that was to be with SKULL but I really want to see what it's like on a CRUISER.
Besides we have been to SPI 2 times on Skull
Lynn and I are also getting ready to start looking for our retirement place
Got some money saved up and it's time to find "OUR" place
so keep your eyes peeled for (maybe) a new home place.
Looking forward to another weekend of riding
Skulls had an oil change and overall check
I'm ready to ride and it's only
Aug 23-25 2013
Well the weekend has come and gone
and we finally found a Ghost Town
Actually we found 3
Yeager, Lima and Rossville
But it seems the cemeteries that are close by are more
interesting than the old towns.
Sept 1st 2013
Well after spending most of the summer (weekends) looking for
family from my past.We just happened upon a cemetery in North Eastern Ok
and found a 2nd cousin 3x's removed
Now I say just happened because we were not looking for any family
this weekend.We were on a fun ride to check out the 101 Ranch up
by Ponca city and go from there up and around to Kingfisher
for lunch.
So here is a short video of our ride.
Sept 7 2013
Three weeks out from "The Long Ride". This is going to be another
Fun ride.We are headed from OKC to WV to Niagara Falls to Hell Mi to
Carrs place in Ill. We have taken 2 weeks off from our Bizz so we will see where the
rode takes us.
As for this weekend we took in Piedmont founders day and went up north
Heres a few pics
Just another great day to be out in Oklahoma
Well 6 days out from the "The Long Ride" Fall 2013
Skulls been readied all but new fuel filter and an extra one to take with
us and if my carb Sync tool gets here in time I need to sync the carbs .So I ask
Lynn if we could lose the spare chain we carry in the saddle bags and she said yes
So we will see where that goes.The saddle bags have been gone thru and repacked
I'm still going to take the spare coils and points plate.
We leave out either Fri late after noon Sept 27 or early Sat Morn Sept 28
AH a fall ride to the east and then due north.Yep this will be interesting.
We do know what we are in for cooler weather (maybe down right cold)
so we will pack accordingly ,but we are still taking one change of clothes.
Anyway we took Skull for a shake out ride this past weekend, heres some pics.
Life in the country
We stopped by where the old Britton school used to be
and Indian head rock
When the sun hit this Eagle just right it looked white
Lynn called it a Ghost Eagle
So before every long ride I take time to ask my maker this
"God let this be a ride of a life time
But please don't let it be the last ride
of our Life Time"WW
Well we are 2 weeks past "The Long Ride"2013
what can I say it was a blast!!!!
got to see lots of places we have never seen and
meet some new Friends and visit with some old friends
First I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped us with our minor break downs
Seems Skull had her own ideas of what should happen on this ride.We just dealt with her and her temper
We rode through rain, fog,cool weather.Lost a headlight (our high beam) had a rear sprocket wear out
a chain give out, had a rear tail light wire get rubbed raw and short out tail lights and head lights.The biggest
problem to come up was 30 miles out of OKC the points plate went out and we nursed her to Pryor Ok and got to work replacing it. Yep I carry a spare points plate. Also a spare set of coils and a spare chain, which the chain would not have helped us this time. Last years ride I had a spare chain and front and rear sprocket.
Oh and we had the clutch cable break in St Louis Mo.
Thats a funny story in it's self.
Thanks to Drummer (Next Project) for the cable.
we got turned around on the HWY in St Louis and got off to get gas and our bearings and as we were pulling up to the pump the cable broke at the ball.
We had followed Drummer from Grafton IL to St Louis where he left us going the right direction to Tulsa when we got turned around. And he just happened to pull into the station for coffee and there we sat.
He ran to Autozone for some end connectors and came back.They would not fit the cable, so we took our broken cable off and he took his good cable off and we switched. He use a set of vise grips at the end to hold it to get him home and we went on our way.
Anyway I'm going to post up videos and then some choice Pic's
This video is of the Break Downs (sorta poking fun at ourselfs)
Virginia and West Virginia Also we Meet VN750chopper
Kevin and Tammy Wiseley
Presque Isle (Lake Erie) and Niagara Falls
This is the longest of the videos
Marble Head light house and riding in the rain
Goin to Hell
Hell Michigan that is
Riding with the FlatLanders and Grafton IL
This video has boobs in it so
Just a few pics of over 4100
they are not in any order
and I might add titles some where down the line
End of page 1