Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

With Christmas almost here
I was thinking of some of
our Brothers and Sister that
will not be around This Year
                                  confession from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Big Horns, Coyote and turkeys
Oh My!!!!
or also known as 328 miles to check 
on our home.
Well we headed out of Oklahoma city Saturday morn, it was a balmy 42 deprees
but it was calm so that was a plus.
We were headed to SW Oklahoma to a small town to check on the house
we will be closing on November 14th.
164 miles away from where we call home, but well worth it.
We like riding two areas in Oklahoma, the SE (robbers cave, Beavers Bend and Talhimena drive)
and we like the SW part of the state The flats , the Wichita mountains wildlife refuge with its twisties, Medicine Park with it river running thru and all the lakes in the area.
We have been checking out places to retire to for 3 years now and really looking and saving this year.
We found a place we can call home, its needs a little work but nothing to bad, and we have a few years to save our pennies and do or have the work done.

  We are ready own a home again and all that goes with it.
We rode back thur the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge
seen some animals and rode the twisties and dreamed of what it will be like to ride this part of the 
state all the time. OKC is getting to big, to nasty and it is taking longer and longer to get out
into the country where Lynn and I love to ride.
So there you have it, now you know
You just don't know where.
And that we will keep to ourselfs till we close or maybe longer.
Heres a video of the sights and the animals and more pic's of the house
                            328 miles to check on the house from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Beavers Bend Oklahoma
Halloween weekend
We loaded up the car (yes the car) and headed to SE Oklahoma.
Williams and his family followed in their van.
It was going to rain off and on all weekend and maybe storm (which it did)
so we decided not to ride Skull. During the dry spells it would have been great to be on the bike
but we have rode in this area many time and will again.
Here is some pic's and a fun video of our 3 day stay.

know we were here (Halloween 2015 Beavers Bend Oklahoma) from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday Fall Ride
Just out and about here in Olahoma
took some roads we have never been down
and ran across some really cool
American Indian wall art


Concho from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

she is off to the welders
its time to get her done

Monday, August 31, 2015

Great salt plains state park and house hunting
So we have been spending our weekends looking for our retirement home
So the last weekend of Aug 2015 we left out of OKC and headed to Helena Ok 
and while we were house hunting we checked out the state park up north

Well we found 2 we liked 
but the search goes on
And hey any day we can take Skull out
and explore Oklahoma
it's a good day!!


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

and some of our other brothers and sisters
of letters from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Very Special 
Life Behind Bars
Happy Birthday to our 

Now for the video
Watch it all
even after the music stops

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Throw Back Thursday Videos
Niagara Falls 
and Marblehead Ohio

Monday, July 27, 2015

Here is a couple of videos
for a couple a guys over on 
The Chopper Underground

Dusty Dave

  Joe Amyde

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Durango The ride
The Story
The Videos
Well I am going to start at the end
and work backwards
because I CAN lol
This is what we rode thru from east of Shamrock Texas to
almost Clinton Oklahoma

This is just a small part of
Wolf Creek Pass

So we got you started on just a small part of our 4 1/2 day ride
Yep 4 1/2 days and 1541 miles. Well heres the story and more videos
We left out of OKC on Thursday July 16 2015 at 1:00 pm in the 
heat of the day, headed to the Panhandle of Oklahoma.
Yep I was doing once again what I said I would never do again 
(every year for 5 years now)lol.
Our goal for this half a day was Clayton N.M and to eat supper at the Rabbit Ear Cafe
but first we had to make it thru western Oklahoma and 115 heat indaex in full leathers.
It was a cake walk we had our CamelBak on and we had sun flowers.

With a stop in WoodWard Oklahoma and Covingtons Customs
to take picks of a sweet Honda Matic and get a T-shirt for ElizaBeth.

Heading out of Boise City to Clayton N.M. would set the stage for how this ride would be.
We would get rained on each and every day even if we were not on Skull.
We ate at the cafe and bed down at a favorite Motel
Holiday Motel on Hwy 64 out side Clayton.

Up Friday morn and on the road.
First atop CapulinVolcano
Here is a fun video of the ride to the top
Now you won't see the Mule Deer that are toward the end
of the video, but trust me they were on the road as we came
around a corner.

From Clayton to Durango is 362 miles
with all the stopping and taking pic's it took
us 12 hours. But it was well worth it!
This is unedited footage of Raton Pass
Now you have seen the video of Wolf Creek Pass
at the top of this page.
But here is a few pic's

From here it was on to Durango.
It was 7pm when we got to the B&B 
we checked in The girls at the deck was great they
even called across the street to the Italian restaurant
and made reservations for us.
We ate, walked the town and went back to the B&B and fell down.
We had to be at the train station by 7:45 am to ride the train.
Well we made it
Now this video is a little long
but hey it's what I wanted
We got to Silverton by 11:45 and the rain clouds moved in
and it rained and we got soaked

We visited 3 cemeteries on this ride
this is a view from Hillside cemetery in
Sliverton Co.

We rode the bus back so we could see more of Durango
and take Skull up at least part way to Silverton
It was storming so we only we about 20 miles up to the
Hot Springs
Up the next morn with a goal of Santa Fe N.M.
where we would stop and visit my Uncle and Aunt
and 2 peeps off of The Chopper UnderGround
Dusty Dave

Joe Amyde
After a short visit we hit the road towards Albq. N.M.
where we spent the night.
We got up Monday morn July 20  and headed for OKC.
we rode the heavy rain from East of Shamrock Texas to Clinton Oklahoma
That is the first video on this page.
It was a great trip and we can't wait till 
our next adventure
WhiteWolf and LadyWolf