Friday, October 20, 2017

Long time no post
I will bring you up to speed
Lots of goings on at the house
and lots of goings on with kids grand kids
and life
Fall is upon us and Lynn and I are planning our fall ride. Which will be the first weekend of
Look for pics and video when we get back
Lynn went to Cali to visit her grandmother who turned 94 I took Skull out for a all day ride
Yes by myself

the drummond house from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

We took Skull out for a pre Fall Ride
here is a some videos

state of my head from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Night Train from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

way home from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

busy from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

So most of you don't know that Baby Logan
is still in the hospital
He is having breathing issues
well this is for him and mom and dad
Thursdays Child from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Of June days and fireflies
It's been one heck of a month
I post this on July 4th and looking back at
June it's hard to belive what all has happened
it's has all been good even the low spots
are all good.
I don't spend alot of time thinking or dwelling on
the low points, it's more important to push on.
"Forever Forward" as Lynn says
We spent 2 nights at the new house
Yes we still don't have water or heat and air
And after getting our first quote on all that 
($41,000.00) well lets just say we will be getting
more quotes.

Our first night we stay was magical. Lynn likes FireFlies and has always wanted to play with them.
And being able to in our own front yard made her
 Now we tried to take pictures and video of them
lighting up the night but we came up short.
I have since then learned what setting the camera needs to be set on.
We started the day loading up the upholstery machine I got from Richard Stumps son after his passing and tons of upholstery fabric and the settees I bought a few months back.

The game plan is simple
This winter I will work on the settees , Lynns wash room, floors in the cubbies and build a Santa rug from the entry.
I have had sort of a monkey on my back the entire month of June.
We had a window upstairs that need to be replaced, just a pain of glass that all.
But after me not measuring right on the first one then trying to cut it to the right size and breaking it, then on the second one it broke putting it in, then the third one doing the same thing and finally the fourth one I had it cut at a really nice hardware store in Vernon Texas (26 miles from Frederick). It still did not fit so we loaded up the pain of glass and the window frame and took it back to the hardware store and he cut it just right.

While we were in Vernon we found a nice place to eat
I give you the Brown Cow resturaunt

 Yes that Lynn and yes thats crutches
She took a fall (a very short fall) 
but she mess up her foot
But while we were at the Hardware store
I found Lynn a porch swing
and for a lot less thank in OKC.
Now I going to back up a min
The second night we stayed at the house
A big storm moved in
I had seen the lightning
and put up the camera

Just a few pic's

 Now most of you know the biggest thing that Happened in June

The birth of Baby Logan
Just in time for his first 4th of July
Well thats pretty much it for now
Happy 4th Everyone


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Well still not much ridin here
but alot of takin the old dog (18 years and almost 3 months) down 
to the new house down south
here's a video of our Saturday

4th of July Decorating and drive thru the wichita mountains from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.
 we are planing a long weekend ride
so watch for pic's and videos

Friday, May 12, 2017

yep that's what I said
Ya got love when God or Karma or what ever you
want to call it steps in.

I have waited till now to tell this story,
Well because I have been thinking on just how to tell it.
So lets start at the beginning
A few weeks back Lynn and I were on our way down to the new house. We took the car because we have been taking the old dude with us as much as we can. So with the pups in the back seat fast asleep we were talking of life and friends and family, the events of the week you know life stuff.
 I have often ask Lynn how tough she is
she has always told tough as she needs to be.
That she could be tough like me, this I do not question. She is one tough girl in life and in riding.
But we were talking about being tough and dark down right mean, pitch black.
And she was saying how she could be like me tough dark pitch black and that she could make choices based on those dark feeling, never to look back or question the choice or choices she would make.
I laughed and said no you could not 
she said yes I could
I said there is no way you could be mean or make really dark choices.
"Yes I can, I can be DARK!!!"
was all that we heard 
You see we were headed south on 183 just off of Hwy 62 and I had the car up around 80 MPH
and as we heard the BANG I looked in the rear view mirror and all I seen was feathers.
It seem that right at the moment Lynn said with no uncertainty that she could be dark well we hit a dove. 
She with all her being "DARK" started freaking out
what was that
did we hit a Dove
we have to go back and if it's all right
and of course here comes the tears 
Me still looking in the rear view and sort smiling
all I could say is 
I don't think it made it
Then I looked at her and said
That's Gods way of telling you ,you can't be dark
See I said to her there is a difference between
saying you can be DARK and truly being able to be dark.
You say you can be dark then break down a start crying
Me I look at the feathers in the rear view
and say "Lets line em up again"
To say the least she was a basket case the rest of the day and 7 hours later she still teared up talking about it.
So I guess the lesson to be learned from this is a simple one
Don't think you can be Dark when you are a kind person
I mean birdy


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Well a lot of you know that we lost a Brother this past week
and most of you know I did a video with pictures I snagged
from Face Book etc...
Like what we have done when we have lost other brothers
Lynn and I take a ride to reflect and remember them.
Now I can't claim I knew Scrap real well or that we put hundreds of
miles on our bikes together, but I can say I knew him and that we rode a few times together and that he was a brother.
Lynn and I put almost 300 miles on Skull Sunday just out and about
But it seemed we were being reminded of why we were riding on
This Sunday.

Well Scrap you seemed to be with us on this ride
We Will miss you

Now I choose to do the videos for our Brothers and Sisters that we lose
But Lynn can tell you it takes a lot out of me.
I don't do funerals, I just don't
The last time I went to one Lynn and I were dating in high school.
Haven't been to one since.
I more than likely  will not go to my own.
I sit and think of all those who have lost a riding brothers
and I am so thankful that mine is still around
After all 40 years together and we still can ride together

So this video is different than the others I have done

Sunday for Scrap from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Well what a day
Lynn and I woke early to take the puppies
and headed South to the new house to mow
and hang out.
As with most mornings I check TCU and Honda
Choppers to see whats going on.
Well this morn we were hit hard with the news of
one of our brothers passing
 Mike "Scraphous" Heminghous
He was a great guy and Lynns coffee buddy
I can remember when we went to the Hunnet car pile up see Lynn in her Bunny hoddie footie and Mike standing by the fire around 4am talking and drinking coffee.
Well I did a video of Mike with a few pic's I snagged off of FaceBook
so Here's to you Scrapy
Scrap from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

So I know this is a motorcycle blog and sort of a running story of our life on the 
road and behind the bars, but there are other parts to our life that I have been sharing
with those who check this blog.
As most of you know we are planning on leaving OKC soon aand moving to
our future home town of Frederick, and most of you know we are getting our
new house ready for us well this week was no diffrent.
We went to an estate sale here in OKC at a house that was once owned by the Chatholic church
and we went really to check out the house which was great but we ended up buying 2 items
for our house.
a Buffet

 and a small gable leg writting desk
Here are some pic of this great house

with this weekend being wet cold and rainy we found other ways
of having fun.
That was Saturday
now it was time for Saturday night
on to downtown OKC and to watch our grand daughter sing with her class at the 
OKC Blue basket ball game.
More to come