Well a lot of you know that we lost a Brother this past week
and most of you know I did a video with pictures I snagged
from Face Book etc...
Like what we have done when we have lost other brothers
Lynn and I take a ride to reflect and remember them.
Now I can't claim I knew Scrap real well or that we put hundreds of
miles on our bikes together, but I can say I knew him and that we rode a few times together and that he was a brother.
Lynn and I put almost 300 miles on Skull Sunday just out and about
But it seemed we were being reminded of why we were riding on
This Sunday.
Well Scrap you seemed to be with us on this ride
We Will miss you
Now I choose to do the videos for our Brothers and Sisters that we lose
But Lynn can tell you it takes a lot out of me.
I don't do funerals, I just don't
The last time I went to one Lynn and I were dating in high school.
Haven't been to one since.
I more than likely will not go to my own.
I sit and think of all those who have lost a riding brothers
and I am so thankful that mine is still around
After all 40 years together and we still can ride together
So this video is different than the others I have done
Sunday for Scrap from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.