Sunday, September 14, 2014

Longton Kansas
One day ride 570 miles
13 hours
4 cemeteries
two food stops
6 gas stops
lots of twisties
and 1 swinging bridge

We made our way out of Oklahoma city Saturday morn, with cloudy skies and a balmy 46 degrees
Our goal was simple ride to Longton Kansas and find my family at the Longton cemetery
we were running late when we left because I had gassed up and packed Skull
When I fired her up she was having a small problem
seems she is fouling the #1 and #2 plugs
She was running just fine 2 weeks ago for the Labor Day weekend ride
don't know why and didn't have the time to look at her
So I unpacked Skull and pack Voyager
and we were off
We were going to spend the night in Independence Kansas but on the way Lynn said lets see
if we can go and make it home at a good time.
First stop was Pops on Rt66 for breakfast then east to 177 and north to Kansas. 

The Bridge is in Moline Kansas

 Now after the Bridge we got down to business of finding my family in the 4 cemeteries in 
Elk county
Which we did
No I wont bore you with a bunch of cemetery pic's
and besides they will be in a book I will be working on this winter (2014)
After wondering around the country side we worked our way to Howard Kansas and to the last cemetery
But we decided to stop and get a late lunch early supper
Lynn took these pics in a funy little park close to toots on 99

We found an old school house in Elk Falls

Voyager did great I think she will do good on our 2200+ Long Ride in 2 weeks
after a long day it was time to turn south and try to beat the sun set

Well don't look like we made it
Sunset south of Tonkawa runnin I-35

Heres a video


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