SO That happened
You know the best rides have the stories, preferably with no one getting hurt or killed.
well that's how our rides have been going lately. All the drama but none of the damage.
We have had Skull out for 3 short food rides, cause that's what we do.
She has been showing her pissie side, Lynn says its because of all the time I have been spending wiring Serenity, I think it's because we have not rode to much so I haven't been doing the checking on all the working parts like I should.
Which ever it is she has been a naughty girl, cutting out on us losing nuts and bolts and gererally misbehaving. But Saturday night wasn't really her fault or was it?
I spent Fri eve and Saturday morn getting her ready for a supper ride, it would be our first late evening ride this season. I checked and fixed some wiring, tightened nuts and bolts and did the once over twice. Besides gas she was ready to roll.
Our plans were to ride to a hamburger joint in Chickasha about 45 miles one way. Not a long ride for us, but it would be a great night for a eve ride. As we hit Minco Ok on our way I ask Lynn if she would want to go to Ken's in Amber for a steak in stead of a hamburger, well you know what she said "YES".
Well the ride was great, Skull was running like she should be. We got to Ken's around 6:30 and stood in line to get a seat. Yep this place is that busy and the steaks are that good. We ate our food payed our check and went outside.As we were getting on Skull Lynn noticed a dad holding a little boy. So she headed ove to talk with the boy and I fired Skull up to take her over to see if the boy wanted to sit on her. He was very shy and decided that it was safer to stay in daddy's arms. We said our good byes and headed out for home.
We were really enjoying the ride I mean zipping right along, Skull was running great and I was taking full advantage of her. And that's when it happened.
Just outside Minco headed back to home we start slowing down because well Minco is a town known for traffic stops. As we top the hill coming into town there is 2 Minco police cars that have pulled over a VW, just as we pass the last cop car we lose the back tire, yep it goes flat. now we are going north into Minco at about 45 mph when she start snaking along, by the time I go her stopped we had crossed into the south bound lane and onto the shoulder, good thing no cars were coming.
The cops thought for sure we were going to lose her and they seemed very surprised we didn't.
So one of the cops take Lynn into town to the tire shop to see if it was open and if they could get us fixed up, I stayed with Skull.
No go they were close and no cell phone # on the door. Then Lynn said Autum lives here maybe John is home and has ramps. So Lynn gives her a call and they get their ramps and get us loaded and brought home.
Now the funny part Autum is my niece and is a pro photographer and Lynn takes 1000's of pics on our rides, but no one NO ONE took pic's of the cop cars or Lynn in the cop car or us loading or unloading Skull or even Skull in the truck. So no pic's of that stuff.
BUT, here is a video of some of the pic's and some Shadow riders footage. ENJOY
Yea, so that happened
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