Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fall ride 2016
or It's About Time

First off I have to say goodbye to a couple of great friends. Lynn and I have rode thousands of miles with these two. We lost them this past weekend.

They will be missed!!!
We left out of OKC the same way we always leave LATE, so instead of a nice leisurely ride out of  town on Hwy 62, we headed out on I-40.
Now either way is fine with me but Lynn doesn't like runnin for our lives on the big hwys , Hmm maybe she should get rready quicker, lol.
Our plan was simple for this ride, take the entire weekend. Falkor has been doing better , better as old dogs go. He will never be like he used to be young lol.
So we made plans to hit the road Sat morn and stay gone till at least Sun afternoon. We were headed to south eastern Oklahoma, a place we have rode many times and really enjoy riding.
It is known by many names, the Talhina Drive, Winding Stair Natl rec area or Skyline Drive.
Which ever name you choose it is a great place to ride. The morning would be cool and at 75 mph almost cold, which we were dressed for but as the day got on it would get warm but we were ready for that also.
It's Fall here in Oklahoma but seems more like spring, lows in the 40's and highs in the 80's. We were hoping to see fall colors on this ride cause lets face it  a fall ride with no fall colors is just riding.
We knew where we were headed and we knew it would be busy all the town close to the drive would be packed with bikers, The Christian Motorcycle Club was doing their ride the same weekend but it's always bust this time of year, Fall and Spring you will see 1000's of bikes in this area of Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Now we always eat breakfast on the road when we leave out for a ride, this ride would be the same.
We headed east to The Shawnee and the hwy 270 exit where we would run 270 for most of the way.
93 miles from OKC we come across a little hole in the wall town called Horntown yep Horntown Oklahoma. At the 4 way stop of the middle of nowhere was a gas station and cafe so we pulled in to get some breakfast.
Lynn as usual made friends with just about everyone in the cafe.

While were eating we heard the roar of the HD's passing by and we knew where they were headed. We paid our bill left our tip Lynn said her good byes and headed out to gas up and hit the road.
It's never a dull ride with Lynn that's why I don't ride alone it's just no fun. We headed out back on hwy 270 cross the  way stop and Lynn says I forgot my hat so I turn around and head back. As we are pullin back into the parking lot she gets a text from the 2 guys n the pic's above that she had left her hat. You see she not only took their pictures but also asked for a cell # so she could send the pic's to them. Like I said never a dull moment with Lynn.

What a difference a few years make

This is where our cemetery rides started
it is also close to where I took one of my most favorite pics of Lynn
On the other side of the bridge there is an old Indian church and cemetery
I wonder how they get to it now?
Well with pictures taken and about 150 miles left to go we headed out.
We have rolled down these roads many times during
all times of the year and enjoy this area so much.
We made it to Skyline drive and it was time to run some twisties
The roar of bikes headed up the mtns could not be missed
Lets roll
We made to Queen Wilamena Lodge just after 1pm
just in time for lunch, or so we thought
man the place was packed with 1 1/2 hour wait time

Well we knew of another place not to far away to get some lunch
so we took off

run to richmond hill from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

With lunch eaten and day light fading it was time to head back down the mtns and find a place
to bed down. We never book anything on our rides mainly because we don't know where we
will end up. This ride was no diffrent, I knew where I was wanting us to stay but when I called there 
was no answer, so it was time for plan B.
Wilburton was only 30 miles to the east and Robbers Cave state Park was a cool place to see.
So with the sun settin we headed off runnin the twisties not knowin if there would be a
vacant hotel room or not.
We decided as we rolled into town we would stay in town and not at the Park. We could
walk to supper and just take our time eating and not have to deer hunt on a 750.

So with the room paid for and a nice walk around town, we decided to eat supper
at The Eaton Cafe. The sweet tea was good and the chicken fried stake was really good.
We took our time and just enjoyed small town Oklahoma.
We got back to our room and was ready to just relax and enjoy time out on the road.
Morning for us comes early even on the road. 
5 am and I'm up and ready to get the day started. We decide we would run to Robbers cave
and watch the sun come up.
When I went out to check on Skull I found this

A towel on her bars, now not just on her bars but on all the bikes in the lot

It was for wiping the morning dew off your seat.
We have never had this done in all our years riding and all the places we have been.
*** When we got back home we mailed out a thank you card***
Well we gathered up our stuff packed and headed off to Robbers Cave.

Robbers Cave from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

With pictures take we had breakfast on our minds and a small cemetery to visit so it was time to go.
We knew where we wanted to eat but didn't know if it was still open.
What about Bobs in McAlester Ok about 45 miles away.
So we headed out for breakfast and to head home

So here we are back where we started

 The last ride of a good pair of boots.
Oh Well at least they went out doing what they loved
haulin ass and being in the wind

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