Sunday, December 11, 2016

Serenity's First out of town ride
So as with all builds you will have problems
Serenity is no diffrent.
Oh she made it from our house to Guthrie
42 miles and she made it back.
It being her first long ride we knew we would have problems, and we did. Nothing to bad
she needs her jetting fixed
I have no power in 5th gear.
But the funny thing was how she made it all the way there and all the way back with little problems BUT we get ready to ride two up with Lynn in the big seat and she would not go anywhere, when Lynn would get off she would go with no problem. What is happening is when she gets on the shocks are so week that the fenders go down on the tires and locks them up. So air shocks are next on the list.
Here is a few pic's and a few videos of the ride.
Oh and I have an oil leak on the top of the cam cover, I think it's coming out of the tack plug.

SUNP0005 from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.
headed back to town from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.
gettin back in town from Lon Stoner on Vimeo.

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